  • 研发
  • 组件设计
  • 品质保证部
  • 生产
  • 电缆厂
  • 注塑厂
  • 生产工具(Checker Ji)

Provide total solution for wiring harness layout and able to design and fulfill customer's need, from sampling, trial, testing, examination, production to service after market use are available and willing to service.

Please visit the following address for more detail information, thank you.

Advantage in Research and Development

(1) A long-term experience in OEM and ODM services for Automobile industry

(2) Technical Assistance and Cooperation with Overseas ODM Factories

(3) Capability in design, production and service of wiring harness

(4) Capability in self-development of molds,checker and jigs.

(5) Provide services of Hardware and Software to customers.

Software available

Solid Work

Able to provide service beginning from concept, planning, product design, tooling mould develop functional testing and discussing with customer to meet the request and demand.

Please visit the following address for more detail product information, thank you.

Looking for the truth and root cause, manage with production department for origin finding and control ; keep and continue improvement and work with production line to become the zero defect manufacturer.

For quality certificate, please link to the following, thank you.

Customers are number one" is our philosophy and we manufacture self made components and assembly the wiring harness product and provide total solution about wiring for customers.  And continually working on varieties improvement including Human, Machine, Method and Material areas.  Moving ahead toward to "Customer satisfaction 100" as our target.

"Customers are number one" is our philosophy and we manufacture self made components and assembly the wiring harness product and provide total solution about wiring for customers.  And continually working on varieties improvement including Human, Machine, Method and Material areas.  Moving ahead toward to "Customer satisfaction 100" as our target.

Please visit the following address and down load the detail information.  (Including XPLE wire and Shield cable )


"Customers are number one" is our philosophy and we manufacture self made components and assembly the wiring harness product and provide total solution about wiring for customers.  And continually working on varieties improvement including Human, Machine, Method and Material areas.  Moving ahead toward to "Customer satisfaction 100" as our target.

Please visit the following address and down load the detail information.


Work with production and R&D department to manufacturing qualified product and keep all relative tooling mold running well, smoothly and consistently.  Able to help and create the suitable production tool, checker and jig for all stage listed in control plan.

Please visit the following address and down load the detail information.
